Project designation | Araújo & Mesquita – Production of new products aimed at combating COVID-19
Project code | NORTH-02-08B9-FEDER-048921
Main objective| Strengthen the competitiveness of PME
Intervention area | North
Beneficiary | Araújo & Mesquita, Lda
Approval date | 25-06-2020
Start date | 20-05-2020
Date of the conclusion | 18-11-2020
Total eligible cost |91. 195,00
European Union financial support |FEDER – 72.956,00 EUR
In the current context of a pandemic outbreak, Araújo & Mesquita considers that it will be able to combine the differentiation strategy, the expertise acquired over the years and an industrial park with high production flexibility, to present an effective response to the market at the required scale and in a short time.
Having an industrial park with recent technologies, the planned investment permits an adaptation of the production for the manufacture of visors, so the present project is of enormous importance for the supply of this type of material.
With a new productive reality, Araújo & Mesquita will have competitive advantage to stand out from the rest of its competitors, reinforcing its capacity to respond to the market, particularly in the current crisis scenario.